Text [Product_Name] ;;:= Legal Research Guide: Patterns and Practice, Second Ed., 1990; Bonita K. Roberts, St. Mary's University School of Law; Linda L. Schlueter, Esq.
Text [Version_Number] ;;:= F96A
Text [Default_Program_Group] ;;:= Emanuel Legal Education
Text [Default_Directory_Name] ;;:= \ln-edu\etm
Text [Infobase_Title] ;;:= Legal Research Guide
Text [Icon_Name] ;;:= Legal Research Guide
Text [Infobase_File_Name] ;;:= RBRTSRW.NFO
Text [Shadow_File_Name] ;;:= RBRTSRW.SDW
Text [LDF_File_Name] ;;:= RBRTSRW.LDF
Text [Price] ;;:= 19.95
Text [Dial_Number] ;;:= 880-6947
Text [Orig_Dial_Number]
Text [Support_Number] ;;:= 800-555-5555
Text [Disk_Space_Required] ;;:= 0
;; Begin Procedure Definition Variables
Text [Reg_FName] :=
Text [Reg_MName] :=
Text [Reg_LName] :=
Text [Reg_GradYear] :=
Text [Reg_EMail] :=
Text [Reg_Media] :=
Text [Reg_CCNo] :=
Text [Reg_ExpDate] :=
Text [RegUpdate_Text] :=
Text [Reg_IAttempt] :=
Text [Reg_SchoolId] :=
Text [Reg_Phone] :=
Text [Reg_Zip] :=
Text [Reg_State] :=
Text [Reg_City] :=
Text [Reg_Addr2] :=
Text [Reg_Addr1] :=
Text [Reg_LnId] :=
Number [Reg_CBStore] := 1
Number [Product_Number]
Text [SysFile_Sver] :=
Text [SysFile_Tver] :=
Text [StringS1] := BlankString
Text [Screen_Option]
Text [User_Id]
Text [User_Time]
Text [User_Date]
Number [User_Install]
Text [User_Version]
Text [ReInstall_File]
Text [ReInstall_Dir]
Number [Products_Ptr] := 0
Number [Products_End] := 0
Number [Count_Num] := 0
Text [Products_Match] := BlankString
Number [Total_QueSize]
Number [FSPC_OnDrive]
Number [FSPC_Needed]
Text [FSPC_Directory]
Number [FSPC_Additional]
TextArray [Files]
Number [Files_Idx]
Number [Dialog_RcMain] := 0
Text [Dialog_FullInstallRc] :=
;; Variables: FSPChk
Text [FSPChk_Options] :=
Text [FSPChk_DirCheck] :=
Text [FSPChk_DirString] :=
Text [FSPChk_Drive] :=
Text [FSPChk_CurrentDir] :=
Number [FSPChk_Count1] := 0
Number [FSPChk_FreeSpace] := 0
Number [FSPChk_QueSize] := 0
Number [FSPChk_Required] := 0
Number [FSPChk_Rc] :=
Number [FSPChk_MaxIdx] :=
Number [FSPChk_Count] :=
TextArray [FSPChk_MsgList]
TextArray [FSPChk_Dir]
;; Variables: ISysFilesB
Text [ISysFileB_Str1] :=
Text [ISysFileB_Dir] :=
Text [ISysFileB_TDir] :=
Text [ISysFileB_BFile] :=
Text [ISysFileB_Str2] :=
Text [ISysFileB_Str3] :=
Number [ISysFileB_InUseIdx] := 0
Number [ISysFilesB_Group] := 0
Number [ISysFileB_Num1] := 0
Number [ISysFileB_DialogRC] :=
Number [ISysFileB_Rc] := 0
TextArray [ISysFileB_InUse]
TextArray [ISysFileB_Names]
;; Variables: GetGroup
TextArray [GetGroup_Name]
Number [GetGroup_Idx] := 0
Text [GetGroup_Select] :=
TextArray [GetGroup_Info]
Number [GetGroup_InfoIdx] := 0
Text [GetGroup_InputGrp] :=
Text [GetGroup_Input] :=
;; Variables: ReadWrt
TextArray [ReadWrt_Dir] ;; Array list of Drive/Directories to check
Text [ReadWrt_Options] := ;; <All> - Checks all known drives for Read/Write access
Number [ReadWrt_Rc] := ;; 0 = All drives have Read/Write access/or selected dir
;; >0 = Indicates one or more Drives/dirs do not have read/write
TextArray [ReadWrt_DirList] ;; TextArray of Drive/Dirs not Read/Write
Number [ReadWrt_MaxIdx] :=
Number [ReadWrt_Count] :=
Text [ReadWrt_DirCheck] :=
Text [ReadWrt_DirString] :=
;; Variables: FSPCErr
Number [FSPCERR_Rc] := 0
;; Variables: ReadWrtErr
Number [ReadWrtErr_Rc] := 0
;; Variables: Parse
Text [Parse_Str] :=
Text [Parse_Text] :=
Text [Parse_Char] :=
Number [Parse_Count] := 0
Number [Parse_Len] := 0
Number [Parse_CharLen] := 0
Number [Parse_Pos1] := 0
TextArray [Parse_Tokens]
Text [Field_Error] := False
Number [Dialog_SysFile] := 0
Text [WinDir] :=
Text [PassThru_Switch] :=
Text [GetIPVL_Dir] :=
Text [New_Student] := No
Text [StringS] := BlankString
Text [Product_Version] :=
Text [Product_CompanyName] :=
Text [Product_DefaultGrp] := Emanuel Electronic Format
AddOrChangeLineWith (IAttempt=,,) As "IAttempt=[Reg_IAttempt]" At End
if [Install_Type] = Full
[ByeBye_Desc] := '[Infobase_Title]' has been successfully installed to '[InstallationDirectory]'. You may execute '[Product_Name]' from the program group '[IICons_Group]' by clicking the icon titled '[Icon_Name]'.
[ByeBye_Desc] := '[Infobase_Title]' has been successfully installed to '[InstallationDirectory]'. You may execute '[Product_Name]' from the program group '[IICons_Group]' by clicking the icon titled '[Icon_Name]'.
[ByeBye_Desc1] := Please feel free to pass along this demo version to all of your friends!
LText @xy(84,7) 191 24 "Additional free space is required to continue installation. Please free up the required free space bytes and retry the installation."
LText @xy(84,37) 191 24 "Please see your 'Windows 3.1 File Manager' or 'Windows 95 Explorer' to delete any unneeded files to continue installation."
LText @xy(84,67) 191 23 "The following drive(s) have insufficient free space to continue installation."
LText @xy(84,7) 191 44 "During installation one or more directories did not have adequate Read/Write privileges. Read/Write access will be required for the specified directories as listed below before continuing installation."
LText @xy(84,47) 191 24 "Please see your systems administrator concerning access privileges."
LText @xy(84,77) 191 23 "The following directories do not have Read/Write access or are invalid."
LText @xy(8,145) 120 16 "⌐ 1996 Emanuel Law Outlines, Inc."
LText @xy(84,7) 189 40 "An icon for the electronic materials you are currently installing will be created. The default group is Emanuel Law Outlines. You may select another group or enter a new one in the list box below."
;; Ctext @xy(80,10) 200 30 "The installation directory that you have defined is invalid and must be corrected before installing the selected products. "
;; Ctext @xy(80,30) 200 30 "The installation directory may be invalid due to one or more of the following ... "
;; Ltext @xy(80,50) 225 12 " * Directory does not exist."
;; Ltext @xy(80,60) 225 12 " * Does not contain a fully qualified path assignment. "
;; Ltext @xy(80,70) 225 12 " * Does not have read/write access to the directory. "
LText @xy(75,7) 195 50 "Since you were unable to register electronically, you can still purchase ([T_Desc]) ."
LText @xy(75,45) 195 40 "You will need to dial [Support_Number] while at this screen. Have your credit card, Product Id and Instance Code ready as shown below. When the sales representive gives you the corresponding key, enter the Access Code you are given in the box below."
;;ClearArray [FSPChk_Dir] ;; Clear old Array contents
;;[FSPChk_Dir][1] := [GetIdir_IDir] ;; Drive/Directory to check
;;[FSPChk_Options] := BlankString ;; <All> - Checks all drives for required freespace.
;;Do FSPChk
;; <BlankString> - Checks for required freespace on a specified drive.
if [GetIdir_IDir] <> BlankString
If .Not. DirectoryAllowable [GetIdir_IDir]
Dialog UserHeader "Directory Not Acceptable"
Invalid directory specified.
Please enter a valid drive and directory.
Dialog UserHeader "Directory Not Acceptable"
Invalid directory specified.
Please enter a valid drive and directory.
;; Calling Convention: ReadWrt
[ReadWrt_Dir][1] := [GetIdir_IDir] ;; Drive/Directory to check
[ReadWrt_Options] := BlankString ;; <BlankString> - Use if no option specified
;; <All> - Checks all known drives for Read/Write access
Do ReadWrt ;; Checks for required freespace on a specified drive.
;; Return Codes:
;; [ReadWrt_Rc] := ;; 0 = All drives have Read/Write access/or selected dir
;; ;; >0 = Indicates one or more Drives/dirs do not have read/write
;; [ReadWrt_DirList][X] := ;; TextArray of Drive/Dirs not Read/Write
Do ReadWrtErr
If [ReadWrtErr_Rc] = 300
SoLong Quietly
If [ReadWrtErr_Rc] = 100
If [Install_Type] = Demo
Do QueDemoFiles ;; Demo Dir files
Do QueBViews
[Number1] := QueSize + 100000
;; [Disk_Space_Required] := [Number1]
;; Check for FreeSpaceOnDrive
ClearArray [FSPChk_Dir] ;; Clear old Array contents
;;[FSPChk_Dir][1] := BlankString ;; Drive/Directory to check
[FSPChk_Options] := All ;; <All> - Checks all drives for required freespace.
Do FSPChk ;; <BlankString> - Checks for required freespace on a specified drive.
;; Return Codes: FSPChk
;; [FSPChk_Rc] := ;; 0 = All drives have adequate free space available.
;; ;; >0 = Indicates one or more Drives/dirs required freespace.
;; [FSPChk_MsgList][X] := ;; TextArray of Drive/Dirs with insufficent freespace.
If [FSPCErr_Rc] = 300
SoLong Quietly
If [FSPCErr_Rc] = 100
If [Install_Type] = Full
Do QueBViews
[Number1] := QueSize
[Number2] := [Disk_Space_Required]
[Number3] := [Number1] + [Number2]
;;[Disk_Space_Required] := [Number3]
;; PopUp Full
ClearArray [FSPChk_Dir]
ClearArray [FSPChk_MsgList]
;;[Number1] := [Disk_Space_Required]
;; PopUp If [Number3] > FreeSpaceOnDrive [GetIdir_IDir]
If [Number3] > FreeSpaceOnDrive [GetIdir_IDir]
[FSPChk_Rc] := 1 ;; 0 = All drives have adequate free space available. ;; >0 = Indicates one or more Drives/dirs required freespace.
[FSPChk_MsgList][[FSPChk_Rc]] := [GetIdir_IDir] ;; TextArray of Drive/Dirs with insufficent freespace.
;; Return Codes: FSPChk
;; [FSPChk_Rc] := ;; 0 = All drives have adequate free space available.
;; ;; >0 = Indicates one or more Drives/dirs required freespace.
;; [FSPChk_MsgList][X] := ;; TextArray of Drive/Dirs with insufficent freespace.
If [FSPCErr_Rc] = 300
SoLong Quietly
If [FSPCErr_Rc] = 100
Exit DismissDialog
Procedure InstallCheck
If [GetIdir_IDir] = BlankString
[GetIdir_IDir] := C:[Default_Directory_Name]
[InstallationDirectory] := [GetIdir_IDir]
[Text_1] := [Infobase_Title] will be installed to the following drive and directory. To change the installation directory, use the edit box below or select 'Change' and follow the prompts.
;;LoadBitMap elo.bmp
;; ***Substitute source directory for ShadowDirectory argument if necessary***
;; Multiple paths to the same .exe name, prompt user to specify which path
;; is the current path.
[Number1] := LastIndexUsedFor [Views31Dirs]
If [Number1] > 1
HideBitMap 13
[ScanIcons_ExePath] := BlankString
[ScanIcons_Text] := Because you have multiple versions of VIEWS.EXE, we were unable to determine which directory contains your current working version of VIEWS.EXE.
[Invalid_Views] := False
;; Prompt user for new program group name
DialogBox @xy(center,80) 284 175 Returns [Dialog_Rc] BlackOnLightGray UseHeader "Unable To Determine Working Directory" ;;F:\VR\SCRIPTS\PROGROUP.DBB
;; Multiple paths to the same .exe name, prompt user to specify which path
;; is the current path.
[Number1] := LastIndexUsedFor [Views31Dirs]
[ExeName] := bviews.exe
If [Number1] > 1
HideBitMap 13
[ScanIcons_ExePath] := BlankString
[ScanIcons_Text] := Because you have multiple versions of BVIEWS.EXE, we were unable to determine which directory contains your current working version of Bound VIEWS.
[Invalid_Views] := False
;; Prompt user for new program group name
DialogBox @xy(center,80) 284 175 Returns [Dialog_Rc] BlackOnLightGray UseHeader "Unable To Determine Working Directory" ;;F:\VR\SCRIPTS\PROGROUP.DBB
LText @xy(83,7) 180 50 "The installer was unable to locate Folio VIEWS or Bound VIEWS. It is possible that VIEWS exists, but that required files are missing from the installation. Either VIEWS or Bound VIEWS is required to run the Infobase."
LText @xy(83,60) 180 20 "Folio Bound VIEWS will now be installed to:"
LText @xy(83,80) 180 20 " [IDIR_BViews]"
Static @xy(8,140) 269 1 "" BlackRect
LText @xy(8,145) 120 16 "⌐ 1996 Emanuel Law Outlines, Inc."
;; Verify that the user wants to use the credit card
SetMouseCursor Wait
[StringS] := Your credit card is about to be charged $19.95 plus applicable taxes for [Infobase_Title]. Are you sure you wish to proceed?
[StringS1] := Remember, thereÆs a MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: if youÆre not completely satisfied with the software within 30 days, run the uninstaller program supplied with the software, write down the code the uninstaller program will give you, and call us at 1-800-EMANUEL; weÆll cheerfully refund your money.
if [Reg_SchoolId] = 999
[StringS1] := Your credit card will NOT be charged for this product.
LText @xy(8,10) 90 80 "Your credit card is about to be charged for [Infobase_Title]. Once online registration is successful, the final price will be displayed, and installation will proceed."
LText @xy(8,50) 90 80 "Are you sure you wish to proceed?"
[Err_Text] := Make sure that your modem, phone line, and cable are properly connected. Verify that your modem has been reset before attempting 'ReTry'.
do ErrorMsg
If [Dialog_Rc] = 100 .Or. [Dialog_Rc] = 300
If [Dialog_Rc] = 200
Goto SendData_Init
;;UnLoadBitMap 13
;;LoadBitMap 13 ShadowDirectory\OneM.Bmp
;;ShowBitMap 13 @xy(Center,Center)
;;TextOut OnBitMap 13 @xy(60,17) Connecting to the Emanuel
;;TextOut OnBitMap 13 @xy(60,33) Online Registration System ...
;;Delay 1000
UnLoadBitMap 13
LoadBitMap 13 ShadowDirectory\OneM.Bmp
ShowBitMap 13 @xy(Center,Center)
TextOut OnBitMap 13 @xy(60,17) Dialing the Emanuel
TextOut OnBitMap 13 @xy(60,33) Online Registration System ...
Delay 1
CallDll [Dll1] DialNumber ([Dial_Number]) Returns short [Call_Rc]
If [Call_Rc] = -101
UnLoadDll [Dll1]
UnLoadBitMap 13
Do LineBusy
If [Dialog_Rc] = 300
Goto SendData_Init
If [Call_Rc] <> 0
[Err_Desc] := 'Error while dialing number.([Call_Rc])'
[Err_Text] := Unable to connect to the Emanuel Server. Please make sure that your modem is configured properly and able to connect to an outside phone line.
CallDll [Dll1] Terminate() Returns short [Call_Rc]
UnLoadDll [Dll1]
UnLoadBitMap 13
do ErrorMsg
If [Dialog_Rc] = 100 .Or. [Dialog_Rc] = 300
If [Dialog_Rc] = 200
Goto SendData_Init
UnLoadBitMap 13
LoadBitMap 13 ShadowDirectory\OneM.Bmp
ShowBitMap 13 @xy(Center,Center)
TextOut OnBitMap 13 @xy(60,17) Signing on to Emanuel
TextOut OnBitMap 13 @xy(60,33) Online Registration System ...
[String1] := Emanuel Outlines
CallDll [Dll1] LoginSequence ([String1]) Returns short [Call_Rc]
If [Call_Rc] <> 0
[Err_Desc] := 'Server LoginSequence Error'
[Err_Text] := Unable to login to server. Unknown errors while attempting to login.
UnLoadBitMap 13
CallDll [Dll1] Terminate() Returns short [Call_Rc]
UnLoadDll [Dll1]
do ErrorMsg
If [Dialog_Rc] = 100 .Or. [Dialog_Rc] = 300
If [Dialog_Rc] = 200
Goto SendData_Init
[String1] := E ;; Payware=R
CallDll [Dll1] StartMenuSequence ([String1]) Returns short [Call_Rc]
If [Call_Rc] <> 0
[Err_Desc] := 'Server StartMenuSequence Error'
[Err_Text] := Unable to start server menu. Unknown errors occurred while starting a transaction.
UnLoadBitMap 13
CallDll [Dll1] Terminate() Returns short [Call_Rc]
UnLoadDll [Dll1]
do ErrorMsg
If [Dialog_Rc] = 100 .Or. [Dialog_Rc] = 300
If [Dialog_Rc] = 200
Goto SendData_Init
;; Load Senddata
SetTokenDelimiterTo ,
[S_Count] := 0
[S_Text] := BlankString
UnLoadBitMap 13
LoadBitMap 13 ShadowDirectory\OneM.Bmp
ShowBitMap 13 @xy(Center,Center)
TextOut OnBitMap 13 @xy(60,25) Processing Online Registration Form ...
ClearArray [Array1]
[Array1] := [WindowsDirectory]\ELForms.Dat
[Number1] := 0
[Number2] := LastIndexUsedFor [Array1]
[S_Count] := 0
SetTokenDelimiterTo =
ExamineTextFile [WindowsDirectory]\ELForms.Dat
[S_Text] := BlankString
[Ts_Text] := Go!!
[Dialog_Rc] := 0
While [TS_text] <> BlankString
IncrementNumber [S_Count]
[TS_text] := Token 1 Of [Array1][[S_Count]]
[String1] := Token 2 Of [Array1][[S_Count]]
If [TS_text] = BlankString
[S_Text] := ""<END>""
[String2] := SettingFor [TS_text]
[S_Text] := ""[String2]""
CallDll [Dll1] SendString ([S_Text]) Returns short [Call_Rc]
If [Call_Rc] <> 0
[Err_Desc] := 'SendString Error'
[Err_Text] := An error occurred while sending data to the server.
CallDll [Dll1] Terminate() Returns short [Call_Rc]
UnLoadDll [Dll1]
UnLoadBitMap 13
do ErrorMsg
If [Dialog_Rc] = 100 .Or. [Dialog_Rc] = 300
If [Dialog_Rc] = 200
Goto SendData_Init
;; Execute (S1) option code if enabled, no download required
LText @xy(84,7) 189 40 "You are about to dial into the Emanuel Electronic Format Online Registration System. This is a TOLL FREE call! If your phone requires a dial prefix in order to reach an outside line, please enter it now."
LText @xy(84,70) 190 30 "Click 'Next' to install your selected product."
Procedure PB_ExitOn
EnableWindow RegScreen.Back On
EnableWindow RegScreen.RegCheck On
EnableWindow RegScreen.RegCancel On
EnableWindow RegScreen.Pb_HomeAddr On
Procedure NoProducts
SetTokenDelimiterTo ,
[Reg_Media] := D
[String11] := Invalid Product Id - ([Product_File])
[String10] := BlankString
[String1] := The PVL file for this installation does not contain an NFO base, or the specified product as specified via -P: is invalid. To install an NFO base product you must do so by selecting from the product list below, or via the command line using -P:{filename_below_with_no_file_extension}.
LText @xy(80,7) 191 34 "If you heard about the EEF from another student, please enter that student's referral code or, if you do not have that student's code, enter his or her name and school so we may give them a referral fee:"
LText @xy(90,10) 180 40 "If you got this Product from a bookstore, enter the name or code of that bookstore (the name is printed on the outside of the packaging). If you did not get it from a bookstore, enter the name of the bookstore from which you regularly purchase your law school study aids."
LText @xy(81,7) 191 30 "The Student Referrer Program makes you eligible for referral fees on sales of the software to people you tell about the software, the people they tell and so forth."
LText @xy(81,40) 191 20 "Would you like additional information on how to become a Student Referrer of Emanuel Electronic Format software?"
LText @xy(8,145) 120 16 "⌐ 1996 Emanuel Law Outlines, Inc."
LText @xy(81,7) 191 20 "Would you like to join the Student Referrer Program? Please do not join again if you have already signed up."
RadioButtonGroup Uses [Dialog_RbYesNo1]
RadioButton @xy(80,67) 100 10 "Yes "
RadioButton @xy(80,90) 100 10 "No "
If [Dialog_RbYesNo1] = 1
if [Student_Code] = BlankString
Do GenStudentCode
[New_Student] := Yes
[New_Student] := No
[Student_Code] := BlankString
If [Dialog_Rc] = 300
Do ExitConfirm
Procedure JoinYes
[Number25] := RGB(0,0,0) ;;custom foreground color
[Number26] := RGB(192,192,192) ;;custom background color
if [New_Student] = Yes
[StringS] := You have been registered with the Emanuel Electronic Format Student Referrer Program. You may now begin to receive referral fees, pending verification of the information as submitted. If all of the information is accurate, you will receive your first referral fee check within 2 months.
[StringS] := You have previously registered with the Emanuel Electronic Format Student Referrer Program.
;; Static @xy(84,7) 190 60 " If you know the correct directory, you may enter the full directory path below. If you do not enter in a directory, all local drives will be searched for the Views directory."
LText @xy(81,7) 191 50 "You have chosen to exit the Emanuel Electronic Format installation program. The title you have chosen has NOT been installed successfully. Please re-run the install program to install the selected title."
LText @xy(8,145) 120 16 "⌐ 1996 Emanuel Law Outlines, Inc."
LText @xy(8,145) 120 16 "⌐ 1996 Emanuel Law Outlines, Inc."
PushButton @xy(230,145) 45 15 "Finish" 200
Static @xy(8,140) 269 1 "" BlackRect
SoLong Quietly
Procedure SvrMessage
[ByeBye_Desc] := During the installation of '[Infobase_Title]' a message was received from the server. See the server message below for more information.
LText @xy(81,7) 191 50 "You have chosen to install [Infobase_Title]. This software contains both a FREE demo version and also the full text of the print version of the Emanuel, plus features you won't find anywhere else, like full-text searchability and instant jumplinks."
LText @xy(81,52) 191 55 "The full-version text comes with a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE: if youÆre not completely satisfied with the software within 30 days, run the uninstaller program supplied with the software, write down the code the uninstaller program will give you, and call us at 1-800-EMANUEL; weÆll cheerfully refund your money."
LText @xy(81,105) 191 55 "During the install process, the install program will connect you to our online registration system and allow you to unlock the title. If you don't have a modem or cannot access the on-line registration system, we'll provide you with an alternative registration method."
LText @xy(8,155) 120 16 "⌐ 1996 Emanuel Law Outlines, Inc."